Prepare first responders for real-life dangers before they face them.
PIXO VR Natural Gas Leak Emergency Response challenges trainees in the natural gas industry to search for, find, and properly respond to a potentially deadly simulated gas leak in a residential neighborhood. With multi-user functionality, scenario randomization, and real-time reporting and analytics, it’s the most advanced, intense, and engaging VR Training ever created for the energy industry.

Take training to an entirely different level of realism.
Give trainees the chance to explore a fully immersive and interactive, 3D, residential neighborhood, complete with interactive pedestrians, homeowners, and other responding agencies, in order to complete an emergency response protocol in real-time. Textbooks and PowerPoint slides don’t cut it when lives are on the line.

Just like in real life, every second counts.
Trainees arrive at the scene of an active gas leak emergency. After verifying their work order, they’ll be challenged to employ investigation techniques, critical thinking skills, and their ability to properly apply critical safety protocols to prevent possible disaster. But they’d better work quickly — the clock is ticking.

Core Learning Objectives
PIXO VR Natural Gas Leak Emergency Response tests trainees on their ability to perform five critically important permissions in order to protect life and property.
Perform a leak investigation
Locate, classify, and document the nature, position, and severity of the gas leak emergency.
Identify and eliminate ignition sources
Identify all potential ignition sources that could turn a simple leak into a deadly explosion.

Evacuate, ventilate, and secure the area
Follow protocols to properly evacuate, air-out, and lock-down the area surrounding the leak.
Communicate and coordinate with customers and agencies
Work with dispatch, the fire department, and residents to get the situation under control.
Monitor changing conditions on the ground
Actively monitor changing gas levels, environmental conditions, and other complicating factors.