Conduct an investigation of a suspected gas leak in fully immersive VR.

There’s a reported gas leak — can you respond to protect life and property?
In PIXO VR Inside Leak Investigation, participants enter a simulated residential dwelling to conduct a thorough investigation of a customer-reported gas leak in their basement. Using their decision-making skills and available tools, trainees must determine if a leak exists, identify its source, and take appropriate measures to resolve the issue — before anyone gets hurt or worse.

Use the right tools to get the job done right.
Built in partnership with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from the Gas Technology Institute (GTI), this module provides trainees with a number of functional, simulated, real-world tools to help them correctly respond to the reported gas leak. But as we know, tools are only as good as the person who wields them.

Randomized scenarios test depth of trainee knowledge.
Just as in real life, hazards come in many forms. Using scenario randomization, we ensure that trainees are kept alert and engaged by presenting them with virtually endless situational variables designed to keep them on their toes. Find out what they know to look for — and what they might miss.

Core Learning Objectives
PIXO VR Inside Leak Investigation challenges trainees to perform a multi-faceted gas leak investigation, grading them on three core objectives.
Perform a multi-step leak investigation
Use real-life training methods, observational techniques, and critical thinking skills to identify the source of a suspected gas leak.
Identify hazards and recommend corrective actions
Utilize the simulated real-world tools provided to determine the nature of the leak and take steps to neutralize any possible threat to customers.
Document the process and report findings
Ensure each step of your Inside Leak Investigation is conducted properly, reporting your findings and documenting your actions from inspection to resolution.