Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg on Mind Reading, Apple and the Race to Mainstream VR
By Alex Heath and Mathew Olso

Technology for Humanity
In Marketing 5.0, Philip Kotler, famous promoter of the 4 Ps and author of famous Marketing Management, discusses how marketers can use new technologies to meet consumer needs and make them a tool for differentiation.
A brief summary of the book.
What is Marketing 5.0? It is defined as the use of these new technologies to create, communicate and improve the value of the customer experience. This Next-Tech includes AI, NLP, sensors, robotics, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), IoT and blockchain.
In Marketing 4.0 on digital transformation, P. Kotler already addressed some of these technologies according to their degree of adoption, but today they are at the heart of the brand marketing process. Next…

Cognixion ONE The World’s First Brain Computer Interface with Augmented Reality Wearable Speech™ Generating Device / Inclusive by Design / Designed by neurologists and biosignal engineers in concert with Speech-Language Pathologists and a large group of users and professionals, Cognixion ONE comes out of the gate with integrated home automation AI and multiple context-aware predictive keyboards. Design to meet the needs of anyone with complex communication disorders including CP, ALS, and hundreds of other conditions exhaustively researched and tested by our team. More info: /Andreas Forsland

Today Press Conference Bruxelles Mobilité – Ville 30 / Brussel Mobiliteit – Stad 30 – insightful use of VR data from XR City 30 ! Bruxelles Mobilité – Brussel Mobiliteit VO Citizen sp8ce XRintelligence

À propos de cet événement
Virtual Reality at work – Thursday December 10 Découvrez des cas concrets d’utilisation de la Réalité Virtuelle dans le monde professionnel qui peuvent s’appliquer aussi chez vous.
MiiL & OpenHub (UCLouvain)

OpenBCI Announces Brain-Computer Interface Designed Specifically for VR/AR
Headsets, the neurotech company behind the eponymous open-source brain-computer interface (BCI), are making a new hardware and software platform specifically for immersive headsets.
Called Galea, the company says its new hardware is designed to attach to both AR and VR headsets, arriving with a multiple sensors designed to monitor biometric data streams in real time.

HP Introduces New Era of Virtual Reality for Developers and Enterprises
The world’s most intelligent VR headset[1] with state-of-the-art sensor system captures physiological responses for a unique user-centric experience; Developers can now design applications that adapt to each user and take VR experiences to the next level

We are proud to announce our partnership with MIMBUS.
Continuing growth, XRintelligence is now official benelux distributor and integrator of Virtual Indus. Founded in 2011, MIMBUS revolutionizes vocational training, by providing the instructors with innovative tools allowing to train their students faster, in a totally safe way and with lower costs.